THE new Labour government are presiding over a period of “austerity, worsening poverty and inequality” according to a Carlisle left-wing activist.

More than 450,000 people have signed a petition calling on Labour to axe their changes to winter fuel payments for pensioners.

The benefit was previously available to almost everyone in the UK born before September 25, 1957 to help cover their heating costs.

However, from this winter, only those on pension credit or means-tested benefits will get the Winter Fuel Payment.

Charity Age UK said it “strongly” opposes means-testing the payment because it means “as many as two million pensioners who badly need the money to stay warm this winter will not receive it and will be in serious trouble as a result”.

The secretary of the Carlisle Socialist Party, Brent Kennedy, is holding a protest against the price rises and against the energy companies in the city centre on Saturday, August 31.

“Voters elected Labour for 'Change', but they are just continuing Tory austerity, worsening poverty and inequality, while the richest 250 are hoarding a record £750billion,” said Mr Kennedy.

“Production costs haven’t risen, the profiteering energy and oil and gas giants are just ripping us off to further enrich their millionaire shareholders.

“They should be nationalised under the democratic control of their workers and customers to lower bills and insulate our homes."

Other political parties have also voiced their opposition to Labour’s plans.

Across Cumbria, just 10,071 pensioners will now be entitled to the payments to help with their winter fuel bills - a ‘massive drop’ from the 115,578 residents who benefited under the old scheme, according to Cumberland council area's Liberal Democrats.

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“A big problem is that only about six in 10 people eligible for pension credits actually taken them up,” said Cllr Tim Pickstone.

"That's why we're asking Cumberland Council to work with other councils and actively promote the pension credits - let's get everyone who is entitled to this support claiming it and they should then be able to get to the winter fuel payment.

"With the next winter fuel price cap rises expected to be announced it will be an especially worrying time for people who had perhaps been counting on the now axed winter fuel payment to help them out again this year.”

Labour have said the decision was necessary to fill the ‘black hole’ in the public finances.

"It’s not a decision I wanted to make," Chancellor Rachel Reeves said.