CUMBERLAND Council officers have ruled that prior planning approval for an agricultural shed in the Dalston area was not needed.

The planning application was for a site Buckabank Farm, on the road leading from Pow Bank to the junction at the bridge at Buckabank, and the decision was made on Tuesday (August 27).

According to the application, the building will be used for general purpose machinery and crop storage at the farm, which has been there for just over 100 years.

The form adds: "The development is designed for agricultural use, in keeping with other agriculture buildings on the holding."

According to the decision notice prior approval was not required subject to the following conditions:

  • The development shall be begun not later than five years beginning with the date of the decision;
  • Within seven days from the date on which the development is substantially completed, the developer must notify the local planning authority in writing.

A separate report states: "In overall terms, the development would be of a scale and design that is appropriate.

"The proposed structure will not have a detrimental impact upon the character or appearance of the area."

It was determined that prior approval was not needed because it complied to regulations under town and country planning laws.