We're highlighting the shortlisted bakeries in our competition in the News & Star. Each of the establishments will be featured over ten issues.

Adeline's Tea Room has been nominated by News & Star readers as one of the ten finalists in its 'Best Bakery 2024' award.

The cafe, which is located on Corporation Road in Carlisle, is owned and run by Adeline O'Neil and her son Stewart. 

The cafe originally opened during the Covid-19 pandemic with a purely takeaway-based service, however in the years since the lifting of lockdown restrictions the local cafe has been going from strength to strength, with a focus on homemade baked goods.

After being informed of her cafe's nomination for the News & Star's 'Best Bakery 2024', Adeline was on hand to express her happiness. 

She said: "We are over the moon.

"I am just happy to be in the top ten, to be honest with you.

"We are very overwhelmed with the support and we would love people who don't know us to come and give us a try."

Adeline also spoke about why she believes her tea room has become such a hit in Carlisle, with her also explaining how her son is the mastermind of their fresh menu. 

She said: "I think it is because we are very friendly and welcoming, we like to chat to people, we don't just want to chuck the food down in front of people.

"Everything is homemade, we don't buy any cakes in or any quiche, everything is homemade.

"My son who runs the cafe with me has done a patisserie course at Kendal College and he is the main baker of all the cakes and everything is homemade.

"We are enjoying it as well, that is the main thing, we love doing it. We get all of our regular customers back we always love welcoming new faces."