We're highlighting the shortlisted bakeries in our competition in the News & Star. Each of the establishments will be featured over ten issues.

Blondie's Brownie House has been nominated by News & Star readers as one of the ten finalists in its 'Best Bakery 2024' award.

The bakery business, which operates out of Stanwix, is owned and run by Louise Duckworth who started her business during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021, with her now sending her freshly baked sweet treats all over the country.

After being informed of her business' nomination for the News & Star's 'Best Bakery 2024', Louise was on hand to express her delight. 

She said: "It's so nice, especially with it being driven by local people from Carlisle.

"It helps with the support that I get from the businesses that I supply to because they also sing my praises a lot when people ask where their cakes come from. 

"It is great to have that support and to be nominated for this award."

Louise also discussed why she loves owning a local bakery and where people can find the freshly baked products that she creates.

She said: "I have got a website where people can order my products and have them delivered nationwide and I also supply to about shops locally.

"I also take part in the monthly 'Quirky Ecelectica' market in Carlisle city centre and that has been really successful."

"It's nice to hear the feedback and hear people say that it is the best thing they have ever tasted and I know that I made it. 

"The rapport that I have built up the business I supply is also a big thing as it helps the business go from strength to strength.

"I just love being able to meet new people through my cakes and I love making them happy with what I make."