PROGRESS is being made on the redevelopment of a key Carlisle thoroughfare. 

The Carlisle Southern Gateway Project forms part of broader city regeneration plans geared towards creating a vibrant atmosphere throughout the city centre. 

Over £80 million of public funding, from various sources, is expected to be invested in projects throughout Carlisle city centre, with an intention to revitalise the city.

In an update on August 30, Cumberland Council shared that English Street has been given a makeover with the installation of sandstone flags, granite kerbs and tactile paving - "giving the streets a fresh, modern look".

"A stunning porphyry strip now lines the area, adding character and style," a spokesperson added. 

More excavation work is ongoing as the council continues to lay new flags to complete the transformation.

It's not just the roads benefitting from a revamp, however.  The bus shelter has also received an upgrade.

"The bus shelter has been fully updated with new glazing, roof glass, and a sparkling clean finish. We’ll be adding a new number plate and timetable case soon," a spokesperson said.

The two bus stops, positioned on both sides of English Street, are set to recommence service at the end of next week.

The works are being carried out by Story Contracting. 

To lay granite setts on English Street, the road will be fully closed for 10 weeks starting in mid-February 2025. 

Work on English Street is expected to be completed by the end of spring 2025.

The project follows the completion of £2m work on Devonshire Street at the beginning of August. 

Elsewhere in the city, work continues on plans for the multi-million-pound Market Square and Greenmarket Regeneration Project. 

The aim of the project, boosted by central government investment, will be to transform the city centre's 6,000-square-metre space into an attractive destination for both locals and visitors, including a revamped area to serve as a unique 'multifunctional events space'. 

The project is also slated for completion by spring 2025.