CAMPAIGNERS are set to return to Carlisle’s Civic Centre as they look to raise concerns over the safety of a proposed gasification plant.

The continuing campaign from Rockcliffe residents comes after plans for the 'embedded waste fuel gasification and combined heat and power (CHP) generation facility' was proposed by North West Regeneration Ltd.

The proposed site at units on Kingmoor Park Rockcliffe Estate will heat waste to break it down into a gas named syngas if approved, which can be used for electricity generation or refined into other chemicals and fuel.

Residents are questioning the safety of the plans, citing a huge blaze that ripped through an industrial unit at Rockcliffe Industrial Estate back in 2021 – forcing residents to keep windows and doors shut after smoke continued for almost a month.

At the time, firefighters said the building which was on fire contained 500 tonnes of mixed waste including plastics and wood.

Sally Tears, a spokesperson for the Rockcliffe and District Action Group said the day will be about questioning ‘how safe are we?’

 “No one has ever been held accountable for the previous fire and yet we can't get answers to what checks or measures have therefore been applied to the proposed gasification plant, to ensure not just the residents' safety but the safety of the employees on the site or indeed the firefighters who would be on the front line of any further explosions," she said.

“We have tirelessly asked what they are basing their 'it will be fine' attitude on without giving us any sound facts for their decision.

“We should know why our safety is apparently being disregarded and quite frankly, if I were one of our heroic firefighters who would have to deal with any accident caused by another explosion, I'd like to know what the decision-makers are basing their approval on. It's not much to ask is it?”

The group will meet outside the Civic Centre from 9.30 to 10.30am on Wednesday (September 4). 

Speaking previously, a spokesperson from North West Recycling said: "A comprehensive planning application has been submitted, including full technical details.

"The company has fully engaged with the planning authority during the consultation period and at this time we have nothing further to add." 

Cumberland Council is unable to comment on the proposal, with it being a live application.