Mountain rescuers were sent out to help three ill-equipped walkers and a dog in the Lakes.

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Cumbria police contacted Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team at 10.27pm on Thursday about the walkers, and their dog, who had become benighted after a long day out and couldn't navigate down to safety while on Ill Crag.

WMRT during the calloutWMRT during the callout (Image: WMRT/Meta)

It was decided to send a group to their location and guide them down to Wasdale.

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A spokesperson from Wasdale MRT said: “As such a callout was made and team members made their way to the location high on the Scafell Massif, arriving at 3am.

(Image: WMRT/Meta)

READ MORE: Cumbrian mountain rescue team locate lost walkers with no equipment

“After some rewarming and equipping of the party in a bivvy shelter, the party started the long descent to Wasdale via Esk Hause and Sty Head.

(Image: WMRT/Meta)

“Once back in the valley, after a debrief, the party was brought back to base where a taxi was arranged to take them back to their vehicle at Wrynose Pass.

“The team restocked the vehicles and wearily made their way home.”

The callout lasted nine hours and 58 minutes, finishing at 8.25am on August 30, and involved eight Wasdale MRT members