Skincare products that are good for the planet and your skin is the focus of a Carlisle-based business.

Carlisle Soap Co opened in November 2022 after owner Joshua Wyborn decided he wanted the challenge of running a business focused on a product rather than working in a service-based business. 

He is passionate about creating soaps made from natural products that are also cruelty-free and sustainable.

Joshua said: "I have always worked in service-based roles, and I wanted the new challenge of creating, marketing, and running a product-based business.

"Knowing from my experience how a simple bar of soap could transform a life, it was an excellent route to head down.

"It is going great and growing at the perfect rate, considering my plan at the start was to keep growth organic, local and mainly word-of-mouth based."

Through his own experience with acne as a teenager, Joshua discovered that soaps made from clean ingredients were much better for his skin than the more complicated, expensive skin care products.

The business's range of natural soaps use ingredients like essential oils, shea butter, and oatmeal which are better suited for sensitive skin.

Joshua said: "The original collection of soaps was the first batch to be created. I wanted to have a simple range that would range from flowery to woody scents but appeal to all across the gender spectrum.

"I included a scentless 'naked' bar that has zero scent for those who do not like smelly soaps. The original collection is Lavender, Orange, naked, Lime, and basil, and the final scent is Activated Charcoal, Cedarwood, and Black Pepper.

"That being said, all the soaps are designed not to be overpowering. You might like the smell of orange while you're washing, but you do not necessarily want to smell like an orange all day."

Find out more about the Carlisle Soap Co on their website.