A KESWICK man accused of sexually assaulting two boys is to stand trial in front of a jury next year.

Keith Taylor, 65, of Crow Park Road, appeared in front of a judge at Carlisle Crown Court on Monday afternoon.

Taylor faces four separate charges.

One alleges a serious sexual assault on one primary school aged male.

Three other charges relate to a second complainant. One alleges indecency with a child; and two others allege indecent assault on a male.

Allegations listed in all four charges date back to the 1970s.

During his appearance in front of Judge Michael Fanning, Taylor formally entered not guilty pleas to each of the charges when they were read to him by a court clerk.

Taylor will now stand trial. This hearing is due to start on August 4 next year and, it is estimated, will last around four days.

Taylor remains on unconditional bail and he is next due to appear at the crown court for a further case management hearing on November 11 this year.