A YOUTH was searched in Cleator Moor after reports they were carrying a knife. 

Officers spotted the youth when they were cycling in the town on Monday, September 2. 

No knife was found on the youth on this occasion. 

In a post on social media, Cumbria Police wrote: "The youth in question came to police attention due to thinking it was wise to pull a skid in the middle of the road right in front of the police van. 

"He was stopped to be given words of advice in relation to his 'interesting' cycling and upon giving his name it was quickly realised he was the youth in question from earlier reports.

"He was subsequently searched under Section 1 of PACE and thankfully the search was negative. The youth was taken home and strong words of advice were given about the manner of cycling and the dangers of carrying a knife.

"We will always take positive action when such reports are received and act on them accordingly."