A CARLISLE woman who fell out with a neighbour got drunk and vented her anger by scratching the victim's car.

Gillian Lee, 43, who admitted causing criminal damage, carried out the “key” scratching attack on the couple’s Ford Focus on August 5 as they watched from their home, the city’s Rickergate court heard.

Prosecutor Diane Jackson described a detailed background, which included the defendant and the woman whose car she damaged formerly being friends.

On the day of the incident, Lee was seen standing outside the couple’s home, shouting clearly drunk and slurring her words.

“She was angry and loud,” said one of the witnesses. Another added: “She seems to fear nothing when she’s had a drink. Witnesses saw Lee pull a key right along the side of the couple’s car.

This caused damage that cost £350 to repair. The entire incident was caught on CCTV. 

Mis Jackson told the court that the incident happened while the defendant was the subject of a “deferred caution,” accepted by Lee after she slapped the woman involved in the face.

Mark Shepherd, for Lee, of Uldale Road, Carlisle, said personal matters had come to a head for the defendant on the day in question and she was unable to control herself.

“She keyed the car, which she accepts was pathetic, and she is ashamed of her actions,” said the lawyer.

But since the incident, said Mr Shepherd, Lee had sought help from Recovery Steps.

Alcohol had been the trigger for the offending, added the lawyer.

Magistrates imposed a six-month conditional discharge, which means the defendant will not be punished for the criminal damage provided she stays out of trouble for that period.

She must also pay a £26 surcharge, £85 costs, and compensation to the victims of £350. Magistrates imposed a six-month restraining order that bans any contact with the victims, who live in the Scalegate Road area.

“If you see them coming down the street, you turn around and walk the other way,” warned the presiding magistrate.