A TEENAGER who has been jointly charged with two burglaries and multiple counts of vehicle interference has been granted bail.

Brian Harold, 19, of Boundary Road, Currock, declined to enter pleas when he appeared before the city’s Rickergate court to face nine allegations linked to alleged events on August 27.

The charges he faces are:

  • A house and shed burglary at Kirkstead Road, Carlisle.
  • The attempted burglary of a garage at Keld Road, Carlisle.
  • The theft  from a car of a key and keyring with diamonds.
  • The theft from a car of tools, a jacket, and sunglasses. 
  • The theft of a wooden garden ornament.
  • And four counts of vehicle interference, involving various cars in the areas of Keld Road, Kirkstead Road, and Green Lane.

Prosecutors say the offences were committed during the early hours of the morning, in a small area of Carlisle.

The court heard that the defendant had been jointly charged with an older man, who was currently remanded in custody. Magistrates sent the case to Carlisle Crown Court for a hearing on October 4.

On that day, Harold, who was represented by defence lawyer John Smith, will be asked to enter his pleas.

In the meantime, he was granted conditional bail. Those conditions include that he must continue to live and sleep at Boundary Road, and that he must observe an electronically monitored daily curfew.

This will last between 7pm and 7am. The defendant, whose family were in court to support him, is prohibited from contacting his co-defendant.