Today marks the start of the new school year in Cumbria.

While, for many, this simply means moving up a class, for some it’s the very beginning of their education.
We're looking back at new starters in years gone by, including at Bridekirk Dovenby School, near Cockermouth, which in 2016 welcomed sets of both twins and triplets.
It was the first time in her 18-year career that teacher Lynsey Smith had taught triplets. She said: “I’ve had lots of twins over the years but only one set that was identical. I’ve never had triplets. I’m just getting to know them, they all have distinct personalities.”
All the children were aged four and from Dovenby. The triplets were Hollie, Zac and Connor Hodgson, while the identical twins were Elliot and Jacob Buckley.

(Image: Mike McKenzie)
The same year, three sets of twins started St Patrick’s School in Cleator Moor. Pictured from left are Ajai and Charlie Sim, Nicole and Brooke Dunn and Mason and Carson Dakin.

(Image: Newsquest)
The above image shows some of the reception class at Newton School. Sitting on the carpet with the children are teachers Miss Davidson and Mrs Holt.

(Image: Newsquest)
After a fantastic start at Bridekirk Dovenby School, those in reception were named as superheroes. Left to right are Martah Daniels (I Know Agent), Rohan Smith (Have A Go Hero), Hollie Hodgson (Fantastic Focus), Roby Parker (Link And Learn Hero), Joshua Zaninetti (Agent Ideas), Charlotte Hardie-Knight (Keep It Up Captain), Connor Hodgson (Super Explorer), Jessica Eve (Achieving Superhero), and Honey Dove (Super Chooser).

(Image: Newsquest)
The class is also pictured with teacher Lynsey Smith, centre, senior teaching assistant Sonia Tinkler, left, and teaching assistant Kelly Bell.

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Reception children starting St Bees Village School were invited to bring a teddy to help calm their nerves. Teacher Claire O’Reilly brought hers, along with Luca Fearon, Noah Morgan and Logan Hooks.

(Image: Newsquest)

(Image: Newsquest)

The class is also shown without teddies, along with reception children at St Patrick’s School with staff members. From left are senior teaching assistant Joanne Hartley, early years leader Saskia Patrick, teaching assistant Louise Robinson and teacher Emma Cooper.

(Image: Newsquest)
Our final image is of reception pupil Lillia Barwise having her face painted to mark the 50th anniversary of St Bridget’s School, Egremont.