A book documenting the car-free Lakeland escapades of a Polish linguist will be released later this month.

Anna Nolan's More Lakeland Larks, Laughter and Lunacies is a sequel memoir containing anecdotes and humorous digressions related to the author's time in the Lake District, where she leads a walking group.

Alongside descriptions of Ms Nolan's outings are reflections on such topics as the culture clash between native Britons and a foreigner from Poland; the quirks of human nature; politics; and funny grammatical errors.

As well as a linguist, Ms Nolan is an educationalist, author, and satirist, who has worked as an English teacher, BBC broadcaster, manager of public examinations, and developer of national qualifications in both England and Scotland.

Now retired, she spends her time writing, exploring the Lake District, and leading her walking group.

Ms Nolan said: "This is a sequel to my first Lakeland Larks book because I couldn’t pack as much as I wanted to into the first book!

"I have lived in the Lake District (in Keswick) for the past 26 years and am a very keen fell-walker.

"I started climbing mountains in Poland (I’m Polish) in the sixties, and, in Britain, I have scaled all the so-called Wainwright fells (214 of them) ten times over, which, given that neither my husband nor I drive, is quite a feat.

"I have also climbed all the outlying Lakeland fells and nearly all of the 541 so-called Birketts (Lakeland fells over 1,000 feet high).

"Moreover, I lead a local walking group for Skiddaw U3A (over the years, I have led nearly 250 group walks).

"So criss-crossing Lakeland fells and climbing Lake District mountains is what I do, which is why the area constitutes the natural subject of my writing as well as providing the perfect canvas for a range of my humorous anecdotes, musings and asides.

"I have been writing for publication for over 25 years and, in addition to countless articles on English grammar, punctuation, and usage, have written five books (and translated and edited a sixth: a wartime memoir by my late mother).

"In other words, writing is also what I do, despite the fact that I am a non-native speaker of English.

"In this, passion and purpose collide and have found the perfect outlet."

More Lakeland Larks, Laughter and Lunacies is available to purchase from September 28.