Jenny Lee, co-founder of Torpenhow Farmhouse Dairy, has been named as the latest speaker at the Conference Cumbria event set to take place in October.

Formed at Park House Farm near the village of Torpenhow, on the northern edge of the Lake District, in 2019, Torpenhow Farmhouse Dairy turns the rich organic milk from the Jersey/Friesian herd into creamy, deep-flavoured cheese.

At Conference Cumbria, Ms Lee will share the story behind the award-winning business, which in the summer of 2020 converted to full organic status after stopping all chemical fertiliser, pesticide, and herbicide usage.

Touched on in Ms Lee's talk will be the farm's collaboration with other producers from the region, including Three Hills Gelato - the Keswick-based 'Cumbrian gelato' business which uses organic milk from Ms Lee's dairy.

The conference, which will take place in Kendal, seeks to highlight the ongoing collaborations within the Cumbrian business community with its theme of 'Together Towards Tomorrow'.

Tickets to the conference, which takes place on Thursday, October 3, are available to purchase from Cumbria Chamber of Commerce's website and are charged at £65 + VAT for members and £80 + VAT for non-members.

Sponsors of the conference include Cumberland Council, Westmorland & Furness Council, Leo Group, David Allen, and Dodd & Co.