A bereaved Cumbrian father is set to give a talk about suicide prevention.

Andy Airey, from Threlkeld, became a campaigner after his daughter took her own life in 2018.

He will speak at Threlkeld Village Hall on September 16 at 7.30pm.

The talk will focus on how those bereaved by suicide can learn to live after losing a loved one and how to help those in desperation that can lead to suicide.

More details can be found at threlkeldvillagehall.org/whats-on.

He formed Three Dads Walking with two other fathers, raising nearly £1.5m for the charity PAPYRUS.

Their efforts have helped to increase the charity's UK offices from five to 18 and extend the helpline's opening hours.

The group also campaigned for suicide prevention to be added to the school curriculum, collecting 160,000 signatures for a petition.