A MAN has been jailed following an ‘unpleasant’ assault on a police officer which caused 'prolonged' injuries.

Robert Ryan, 42, assaulted the male officer in Whitehaven on September 3. He also had a quantity of pregabalin in his possession.

He pleaded guilty to assault by beating of an emergency worker, possessing a class c drug and using threatening, abusive words or behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress.

Ryan, of Ehen Road, Cleator Moor, was jailed for 18 weeks when he appeared before Workington Magistrates’ Court.

Magistrates felt only a custodial sentence could be justified due to the defendant’s previous record and the ‘unpleasant prolonged’ assault on the officer which resulted in injuries. The defendant was also in breach of a suspended sentence order.

Ryan must pay £200 in compensation to the police officer he assaulted and £85 costs.