Cumberland Council has revealed plans for tree maintenance and bench relocation in Market Square and Greenmarket.

This initiative, set to begin this month, forms part of the Market Square and Greenmarket Regeneration Project, which is already underway.

Hoardings have been erected around the city centre, ushering in the progress of beautification works for the 6,000-square-metre expanse.

The project aims to transform the area into a hotspot for both tourists and residents, featuring a multifunctional events space for various activities.

The council released details of their plans to carefully displace two smaller trees from the war memorial's future location.

Detailed inspections found that the botanical elements are affected by Ash Dieback.

The British Legion has given its support to the war memorial's relocation.

The council noted that the removal of trees is not a job they undertake lightly and only resort to it when the trees are dead, dying, diseased, or a potential safety concern.

Following the revamp, four new trees will take root around the area.

The council will also remove some benches in the Greenmarket region.

Memorial nameplates will be removed, kept secure, and then installed onto new benches.

The council acknowledged that progress could somewhat impact the city centre events schedule.

Pledging to keep the community informed, they confirmed Remembrance Sunday will go ahead on November 10 as initially planned.

The council assures that all businesses will remain operational as it proceed with the regeneration.