A VIOLENT Carlisle offender has been returned to jail after police uncovered evidence of his drug dealing following his release from jail.

Craig Cherry, 25, now faces serving the remaining 16 months of a sentence that was imposed in 2022 for offences of actual bodily harm assault, theft and blackmail.

At the city's crown court, he pleaded guilty to two offences: possessing cocaine with intent to supply on August 8 and being concerned in the supply of the same class A drug between June 16 and August 8. 

His defence barrister Kim Whittlestone said he was “realistic” about his likely sentence.

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The barrister said there needed to be investigations of the defendant’s family circumstances, including the news that Cherry’s girlfriend is pregnant, and his father is terminally ill. Evidence of this needed to be obtained.

Judge Nicholas Barker said Cherry understood he was “going nowhere.

“In relation to this case, there is only one option,” said the judge.

Addressing the defendant, he said he would be serving his recall sentence until October next year.

He added: “There will only be one type of sentence in this case and as you know that will be a further custodial sentence.

“The sooner we get to that the better because it will run alongside your recall.” The judge ordered a Probation Service update report on Cherry, whose address is Orton Road, Carlisle.

The judge will sentence Cherry on September 27.