A Carlisle woman has achieved her childhood dream in setting up a new dance group for young kids in the city.

Jasmine Dent, 22, is the name behind “Little Movers” - a brand new dance-based toddler group in atlas works.

The group meets on Monday mornings, and held its first taster class for children aged between one and four on Monday, September 9. 

The fun includes walk through story times, lots of nursery rhyme classics and learning simple routines to Disney favourites - all while the child is improving their motor skills, communication and enhancing their imagination.

Jasmine said: "This has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl. I grew up attending Stagedright and with the help of David McNeil, the head of Stagedright, I’ve gained the skills and confidence to become the person I am today."

The primary school teacher left school in 2018 and earned a level three childcare qualification, and now she has discovered how to combine her two passions of dance and working with children.

She said: "Whenever somebody asked me when I was little what I wanted to be when I grew up it would to have my own dance class for younger children. A couple of months ago I saw that the Northern Heights dance studio in Atlas Works was renting out its studio. This is when I took the leap, I put a feeler out on Facebook to see if there was much interest and got a positive response.

"I started setting up my own business and advertising as “Little Movers”. I was flooded with customers wanting to book their child in. I reached 45 children in just under 24 hours, where I had to close my books."

Jasmine told the News and Star that Monday's class went 'really well' and she is now looking forward to hosting some more classes in the future.

She concluded: "I believe this is a gap in the market for Carlisle and something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time. I am so excited to keep growing."

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