MASTER judge John Jamieson, Woodhead, Annan, had his work cut out for him in selecting the winners in the South West Scotland Holstein Club’s Summer Herds competition, which not only saw a good number of entries, but also cattle of exceptional quality.

Brian and Michael Yates of the Logan herd, Castle Douglas, came out tops winning the silverware for the overall production and inspection alongside the trophies for the individual inspection, home-bred heifer and best bought in animal. Their lead heifer was Logan Latenite Shania Red while Eedy Crushabull Acclaim was crowned best bought-in female.

Field Margins’ contributer John Harvey, his brother Stuart and their mother Ann, The Drum Farm, Beeswing, won the production award. Andrew Irving, Bectonhall, was presented with the trophy for the best exhibitor bred cow with Bectonhall Pharo Stephanie.

Leading Awards

Clydesdale Bank Trophy – Herd production/inspection – 1, B and M Yates, 3620points, East Logan; 2, B and C Davidson, 3518pts, Errolston; 3, W Fleming, 3477pts Hillhead; 4, Firm of A Harvey, 3408pts The Drum.

Largs Trophy – Herd inspection – 1, B and M Yates, 1900pts, East Logan; 2, B and C Davidson,1850pts, Errolston; 3, S Roan, 1750pts, Boreland of Colvend; 4, W Fleming, 1700pts, Hillhead

Robert Miller Trophy – Herd production – 1, Firm of A Harvey, 1858pts, The Drum; 2, W Fleming, 1777pts, Hillhead; 3, B and M Yates, 1720pts, East Logan; 4, A Marshall, 1696pts, Hardgrove.

Flobay Trophy – New entrant – 1, A Irving, Bectonhall.

Greenacres Trophy – Lowest somatic cell count – 1, D McMiken, 75pts, Ernespie.

Harrison and Hetherington Trophy – Single home-bred cow – 1, A Irving’s Bectonhall Pharo Stephanie; 2, S Roan’s Colvend Crockett Sunray; 3, B and C Davidson’s Errolston Gauntlet I Ricki; 4, B and M Yates’ Logan Avatar Rae Red.