Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team have rescued two walkers in Upper Eskdale. 

The team was called out at 9.34pm on Sunday September 8 when the walkers, who were attempting to return to Langdale, had 'misnavigated' in Upper Eskdale.

Seven members of the team spent 5 hours 24 minutes on the call-out, finishing at 2.58am on Monday September 9. 

Writing on social media, Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team said: "A call was received from Cumbria Police about two walkers who were attempting to return to Langdale and had misnavigated in Upper Eskdale.

"As they had started very early they had not taken head torches, and this prevented them safely moving further. Their location was able to be determined from the coordinates from the police call.

"The team was mobilised and a small party walked to their location. After some re-warming they were walked out to the team vehicles and then taken to a nearby car park to pick up a taxi back to Langdale."