Fairtrade Fortnight began this week and runs until September 22, and we’re looking back at how the concept has been embraced in Cumbria.

The London-based Fairtrade Foundation works with farming cooperatives, businesses and governments to make trade fairer so that producers can have secure and sustainable livelihoods.
It sets social, economic and environmental standards for companies and farmers involved in its supply chain and licenses the use of the Fairtrade mark on products and packaging.
During Fairtrade Fortnight, people are encouraged to ‘Be the Change’ by picking up Fairtrade products and speaking up for fairer trade, with online events featuring campaigners, Fairtrade farmers and other experts from around the world.
Fairtrade has always been foremost in Cumbria and our main picture shows year one pupils at Stanwix Primary School in Carlisle performing a Fairtrade assembly for parents. Back row, left to right, are Eva Webster, Dominic Pilkington, Beth Wigston and James Sealer. Front left to right are Kadee Vickers, Tom Linnett, Jessica Perdham, David Allison and Clara Macanulty.

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Above, Stanwix School year six pupils Naomi Ward and Grace Hodgkison embark on a walk along part of the Fairtrade Way from the Sands Centre in Carlisle to Crosby-on-Eden.

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Mum Danielle Thompson and daughter Emily, three, are shown having treats at the Fairtrade coffee afternoon at St Begh’s School, Whitehaven.

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Pictured with bananas are Ryan Reid, 10, Emily, five, and Ashley Storr, three, Liam Graham, three, and (front) Sammy Ryden, 10, after pupils from schools around Brampton won prizes in a Fairtrade Banana Trail.

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Pictured tucking into toast at a Fairtrade breakfast at Newlaithes Junior School in Carlisle is eight-year-old Hayden Tyers.

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Teacher Jo Friell is dressed as a banana at the same event.

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In 2016, year four pupil Falon Trotter won a Fairtrade poster competition at Irthington Village School.

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The same year, Mike Glover, part of the Keswick and District Fairtrade Committee, celebrated Fairtrade Fortnight.

(Image: Newsquest)
Our final picture shows Jake Preston, nine, and Jack Mandle, 10, from Lazonby Primary, a Fairtrade school, at a 2015 reception at the Civic Centre in Carlisle to celebrate 10 years as a Fairtrade city.