A REDUNDANT stone barn near Longtown can be demolished after planners at Cumberland Council approved the application.

It was for a site Bush on Lyne, off the A6071, and the decision to allow the demolition was taken on Tuesday (September 10).

The decision notice states: "The proposals have been considered and I hereby notify you that the Cumberland Council will not require the formal submission of further details of this proposal in this instance.

"You are therefore able to proceed with the development as notified in the determination application, subject to the work being carried out strictly in accordance with the details submitted."

The project must be carried out within five years and the letter states: "I must particularly emphasise that failure to undertake the work in compliance with the details supplied and agreed as part of your submission may result in enforcement action being taken against you."

According to a separate report, the applicant has confirmed that the building is no longer fit for modern agricultural purposes and is currently in a structurally unsafe condition, beyond economic repair.

It adds: "A method statement has been submitted in support of the application and confirms that the demolition work will be undertaken in the following manner; roof slates stripped and palleted for re-use, all timbers removed through the use of a JCB selector grab which will then pull down the walls.

"Debris will then be loaded up, taken off site and recycled."

The report concludes: "Having assessed the application and the information submitted with the application it is considered that the local planning authority's prior approval is required and granted."