FOR this Nostalgia edition we wanted to look at the wonder of art.

Art can be so beneficial, offering many forms of entertainment and also an escape for those who use it as a hobby.

It serves as a reflection of our innermost emotions and the world around us. Art helps to evoke many feelings, some of joy and happiness and in some cases of sorrow.

Throughout the world people create and enjoy art as it transcends languages and cultures helping to bring our global community closer together.

There are many forms of art, most people often think of paintings and drawings as traditional art but other subjects like cinema and theatre are also other mediums of art.

Whilst being an expression of emotion it can also be used as a way of communicating ideas. It can also be used as therapy to offer relief from conditions like anxiety and depression.

Throughout history art has been used to depict a variety of topics, famously during the renaissance period art was used to depict famous scenes from Christianity. A lot of this work is displayed throughout the Vatican in Rome, it is arguably some of the most influential and famous art work ever created.

It can also be used as a tool to comment on society and politics, often cartoon caricatures are published in newspapers and magazines depicting politicians and current affairs.

These photos show how art has been used as an educational tool at schools in Cumbria. Art is often a topic enjoyed by school pupils as it provides them with a creative outlet.