A PROPOSAL to change the use of the former Car Wash Cafe on Church Street in Carlisle to a vehicle rental centre has been given the green light by Cumberland Council planners.

Hobans Self Drive Ltd submitted the application in July 2024, proposing to use the currently vacant site as a satellite vehicle drop off and pick up centre for its fleet of five vehicles, which would be stored elsewhere.

The application stated that no more than two vehicles would occupy the site at any one time, and a condition of the approval is that business hours would be restricted to 8am until 5.30pm from Monday to Saturday.

The proposal focuses solely on the existing kiosk and the far lane of the site, leaving the rest of the site to Intelijet, who operate the car wash lane of the property.

The decision and reasons report states: "Overall, it is considered that the proposed use of the existing drive thru coffee shop as a vehicle rental drop off and pick up centre would be less intensive than the former uses of the premises as the hand car wash and coffee shop use or the former Enterprise car hire centre.

"The proposed new use of the premises will not have any material adverse impacts on adjoining uses.

"It will repurpose the vacant building, which will in turn aid the overall attractiveness or sustainability of this site.

"In light of the above assessment, it is considered that the principle of development is acceptable."

Five letters of support for the proposal were submitted during the consultation process.

The director of a local construction company stated that the shortage of van hire availability in the are is 'killing small businesses and putting tradesman out of work'.

They said: "To have a place like this on our door step will make a massive difference.

"Always positive to see businesses investing in the area too and gives companies like mine the confidence to keep expanding."

A business operator directly opposite the proposal site commented: "Looking forward to see the site return to being fully occupied helping to further regenerate this side of the city."