A 12-year-old Cumbrian saved his sister's life on holiday after she was knocked out while using the hotel swimming pool's water slide.

Hari Gray, who lives in Little Broughton near Cockermouth, was on holiday with his sisters Eden and Enya earlier this month in Turkey, when Eden hit her head while coming down a water slide in the hotel pool. 

His younger sister was left unconscious and floated upside down in the pool, and could have been seriously hurt if not for the quick-thinking of her brave brother. 

Hari's mum Kelly has praised the actions of her son as Eden was able to make a full recovery in hospital before flying home. 

She said: "I watched it happen but I just froze. She flew up in the air and knocked herself out. She's unconscious and upside down the water. Hari had come down the slide just before her. I was stood at the side shouting to turn her over. Hari went over, turned her over and brought her back up."

Hari also quickly assembled a bag for his sister to take with her to the hospital, but thankfully Eden's stay wasn't a long one.

Kelly added: "We were going home the next day. They rushed her to hospital and she had scans on her head. We weren't sure if she'd be ok to fly back. But Hari had packed her up a bag, he was great. Luckily, they let her leave a few hours later."

Friend Lisa Curtis, who witnessed Hari's impressive actions, said: "Many grown adults wouldn't have had the skill or the presence of mind to act so quickly and decisively.

"Knowing to log roll an unconscious casualty whilst simultaneously protecting their airway and spine is not easy even outside of the water never mind when emotions are running high because the casualty is someone you care about.

"Also deciding that the best course of action once she was on her back was to simply and calmly keep her head supported until further help arrived was exceptional as many people would have panicked in that situation."

The Grand Kaptan Hotel Alanya was approached for comment.