NUCLEAR Waste Services (NWS) is holding a drop-in event in Whitehaven.

This is to continue the conversation about what a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) could mean locally.

The team from NWS will be at The Beacon Portal, Whitehaven, on Saturday, September 28, 10am – 3pm. 

NWS has been engaging with Copeland communities about the potential for hosting a GDF to dispose of the UK’s most radioactive waste.

A GDF is an underground facility designed to safely and securely dispose of the most hazardous radioactive waste deep underground. 

Simon Hughes, sitting and communities director for NWS, said:  “We want to know what people think about potentially having a GDF in the area. We are looking forward to listening to people’s thoughts about a GDF and answering their questions.

“A GDF is a major, critically important multi-billion-pound national infrastructure project to safely and securely dispose of the most hazardous radioactive waste deep underground.

"It would bring very significant economic opportunities and thousands of jobs to the area which eventually hosts it.

“At some stage the community could be asked to decide whether they would like a GDF in their area, so it’s important that everyone with an interest has the opportunity to learn about the project and make an informed decision.” 

Deep geology beyond the coast is being considered for siting the underground elements of a GDF in Copeland. This means a surface facility on, or near, the coast would provide access to a disposal area deep in rock beyond the coast.