Young filmmakers' work will be screened at this weekend’s first ever ImMerse festival in Annan.

In Nature, a five-minute short created by seven young Scots and Ukrainians from Annan, will be on show for spectators.

The young people involved in the film were Callum McDougall, Pavlo Novikov, Anastasiia Kvitko, Shaima Sheikh, Yehor Fokin, Yuliia Yashkina, and Anna Romanyuk, with guidance from documentary filmmaker John Wallace.

The film features Port Street, Annan Harbour, and Annan Harbour, and explores early memories of nature and how these experiences shape emotions and perspectives.

The film Why Not Scotland?, about nature restoration, will also be screened.

Among the many other activities at ImMerse, Olena Kadochnikova-Yashkina, education officer with the Annan Harbour Action Group, will show young people how to test and monitor the health of the Annan River.

This involves taking samples to see if there is a healthy population of invertebrates (animals without spines).

The testing is part of Earthwatch Europe's Great UK WaterBlitz.

The festival, organised by SCAMP (Solway Coast and Marine Project), will take place on Sunday, September 22, from 10am, at Annan Harbour and in the surrounding merse (saltmarshes) and river.

The films will be shown from 6pm to 8pm at Lonsdale Cinema on Moat Road.