FOR today's Nostalgia we wanted to take a look at the natural wonder of rivers.

September 22 is World Rivers Day which is celebrated in nations across the world.

Millions of people in more than 1000 different countries acknowledge the event on the fourth Sunday of every September.

It highlights the many values of our rivers, strives to increase public awareness, and encourages the improved stewardship of all rivers around the world.

Rivers in countries across the world face many forms of threats and activists aim to encourage the health of the rivers for years to come.

The very first World Rivers Day was celebrated in 2005 and since then it has been gaining in popularity with many events being organised around the world.

In this same year, the United Nations also launched its Water for Life Decade, with the aim of increasing the awareness of the need for taking better care of the world’s waters.

People are encouraged to organise their own events for World Rivers Day, some of these involve clean ups along river sides, a swimming day in a river, or a community festival.

You can also contact local interest groups as well, including the likes of environmental groups, recycling societies, heritage societies, music societies, art societies, daycares, paddlers, and birders.

By getting help from a number of different groups of people, you are going to be able to diversify your event. This means that it is going to turn into a celebration of your local environment and the connections your community has with its rivers.

These photos show how rivers have inspired people in Cumbrian communities.