SENIOR councillors have been given an update about a recent decision over a closure threatened care home in Brampton.

Last month (August) there was a special meeting of Cumberland Council's people overview and scrutiny committee met to consider the executive committee's decision to close Moot Lodge care home.

It had been recommended that it should close because the building was considered not fit for purpose and it would cost too much to make the required changes to the building.

The decision was called in for review by councillor Mike Mitchelson (Brampton, Conservative) on behalf of the many residents of Brampton who were "shocked, distressed and devastated" that the care home was facing closure as a result of the decision.

On Tuesday (September 17) councillor Chris Wills (Upperby, Lib Dems), the scrutiny committee's vice chairman, visited Allerdale House in Workington to update members of the executive committee on the outcome of the hearing and said they felt the right decision was made by the executive members.

However, he did say there were concerns over future care provision in the Brampton area but added the special meeting was a good example of "democracy in action".

Councillor Mark Fryer (St Johns and Great Clifton, Labour), the leader of the council, said: "We welcome the decision from the scrutiny committee in endorsing the decision."