ANOTHER carved stone Roman head has been unearthed by volunteers at Carlisle’s Roman Bathhouse site in the Cricket Club grounds.

The archaeological find was made on today (September 19) in the same area as a Roman urn containing the cremated remains of a young woman was found back in July.

The head is thought to be of a woman and is around 18cm by 13cm, and is described as being "much more delicately carved and more detailed than the previous two monumental heads discovered at the site in 2023."

It is thought the stone head is of a woman due to the hairstyle, which is reminiscent of the style worn by Empress Julia Domna, which would indicate a date contemporary with the bathhouse.

Two previous sandstone heads were unearthed during the dig. Two previous sandstone heads were unearthed during the dig. (Image: Anna Giecco/PA)Frank Giecco, technical director at Wardell Armstrong, said: “Through support from Cumberland Council with the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, we were able to come back to the site again this year and we couldn’t turn down the chance to welcome more volunteers, and to continue to explore more of what is becoming one of the most significant sites on the Roman frontier.

“The building is now estimated at 50m x 60m.

"We have an added mystery too with what was going on to the south of the Roman road, and the discovery of this beautifully carved and detailed Roman woman’s head.

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"There was a large building we discovered, with military finds, two intact beakers (probably funeral offerings), a lot of animal bones, and a Roman cremation urn, which was discovered while straightening up a trench at the end of the last phase.

“I cannot emphasise how astounded we are by the discoveries from this site, the amount, the quality, and how unique so many of them are.

"So many people have given their time, both professional archaeologists and scientists, and also local residence and together we’re piecing together a fascinating and internationally important place here in Carlisle.

"We have called it a bathhouse but it’s more than that, it’s a leisure centre, an HQ, and more.

Most recent Roman head uncovered with a hairstyle reminiscent of the kind worn by the Empress Julia Domna.Most recent Roman head uncovered with a hairstyle reminiscent of the kind worn by the Empress Julia Domna. (Image: Uncovering Roman Carlisle)

"It resembles a Thermae, a collection of different offices, religious and social spaces, leisure, and administrative rooms.

“I am always so proud of what we have been able to achieve and of all the ongoing public support that the diggers, the public, and academic community, have contributed and continues to give so much.

"Come and visit, or if you’re able to join in and help build Carlisle Roman story," he said. 

It comes as the site is set to open to the public on Saturday, September 21, for the 2024 Uncovering Roman Carlisle project.

The award-winning community archaeological dig will run until October 20, with the site open to the public between 10am and 3pm each day.

To date, hundreds of volunteers have been offered over 3,000 volunteer places in past phases of the project since 2021.

The diggers have uncovered over 4,000 significant finds, including 700+ Roman coins, painted wall plaster, military artifacts like arrowheads and spear tips, over 400 hairpins, imperial stamped tiles, North African-style roof tubes, glass beads, gaming pieces, and a rare Roman doll’s foot.

Uncovering Roman Carlisle has so far won four awards and featured on the most recent series of Digging for Britain with Dr Alice Roberts. It is also set to be showcased in the 2024 series of Great Railway Journeys. 

More information and how to book as a volunteer can be found at the Uncovering Roman Carlisle website: