PICTURING what the Lake District will look like when it celebrates its centenary will be the focus of an upcoming lecture. 

The lecture will be a panel discussion, imagining what the Lake District National Park may look like in 2051 when it celebrates its 100th anniversary.

The discussion will focus on the challenges the park faces, including climate change, flood and fire risks, and the state of nature within the park.

Michael Hill, chief executive of Friends of the Lake District, said: "The landscape continually evolves, and we are all seeking how best to shape the Lake District’s future stewardship.

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"We have a wonderful panel of speakers, chaired by Fiona Reynolds, who are all great forward-thinking ambassadors in their own sectors – nature-friendly farming, sustainable tourism and connecting young people with the outdoors.

"We look forward to a packed auditorium, insightful questions and a good debate."

The lecture, organised by Friends of the Lake District, will take place at the University of Cumbria's Percival Lecture Theatre in Ambleside.

It will take place on Friday, October 11, from 7pm. 

Tickets are free and can be arranged by visiting www.friendsofthelakedistrict.org.uk/kirby-lecture