A school has said that it is 'delighted' after being asked to become a Lead Inclusion School for Physical Education and Sport for Cumbria.

William Howard School in Brampton has been asked by the Youth Sports Trust to become a lead inclusion school, with the school now set to host a variety of inclusive sporting events throughout the year for other schools from all around Cumbria, as well as those within Cumbria Education Trust (CET). 

 As part of the school’s ‘Character Curriculum’, a group of Year 9 students will be trained as Sports Leaders to facilitate the events and lead activities.

Tracey Croucher, a higher-level teaching assistant at William Howard School, has been providing an array of inclusive sporting opportunities for students with special education needs at the school and in the wider community.

Now, her work has led to her being invited to become the Inclusive Lead for Cumbria.

She said, “I am looking forward to the year ahead. Students with SEND gain so much from taking part in sport.

"It’s not only great for their physical and mental health, but it also helps with life skills.

"The students gain independence, grow in confidence, learn team working skills and sportsmanship.

"They can experience success, have great fun and make new friends."