A MOURNER became ‘lairy’ and abusive following her mother's funeral and bared her bottom at pub staff, a court heard.

Catherine Benson, 54, was at The Little Arms on Trumpet Road in Cleator Moor,  on the afternoon of July 30.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting at Workington Magistrates' Court, said police were called to the pub over a report of two females being aggressive on the premises.

They were shouting aggressively and lifting their skirts up to show their bottoms. They were asked to leave because staff were becoming uncomfortable with their behaviour.

The women became aggressive and started shouting at a member of staff, saying they would ‘get her’. Benson was shouting at the bar manager, who feared that she would be assaulted.

A victim statement read to the court said: “The whole incident has shook me up. I have worked in pubs since I was 16. I’m 60 now. I have never had to deal with anything like that before. What happened really threw me.”

Ms Fee said it was clear that the defendant had engaged in behaviour that was threatening towards the victim and it appeared to be a sustained incident.

John Cooper, defending, said: “It’s three years since she was last before the court. She has kept out of trouble for a significant time.

“It’s a family funeral. It’s unfortunately deteriorated. She remembered there had been some shouting but she didn’t appreciate how much gesticulating there had been.

“At one point, she is seen picking up the chairs her [co-accused] had knocked over.

“There is a significant issue with alcohol. It’s a family funeral and alcohol has been offered.”

A probation officer told the court that Benson had committed the offence on the day of her mother’s funeral. There had been a verbal altercation with another family member at the funeral and police had been called.

Benson had been drinking alcohol throughout the day and the previous evening and was ‘extremely intoxicated’. They had relaxed and ‘became lairy’. After being challenged on this behaviour, it ‘escalated’.

The court heard that the defendant’s alcohol use had increased to the point of dependency and Benson has difficulties coping.

Passing sentence, Thomas Ryan, lead magistrate said: “The victim was only doing their job. They are not there to be subjected to the abuse they receive.”

Benson, of Ehen Road, Cleator Moor, pleaded guilty to using threatening, abusive, insulting words or behaviour with intent to cause fear or provoke unlawful violence.

Magistrates imposed a 12-month community order with a three-month alcohol treatment requirement and five rehabilitation activity requirement days.

Benson was fined £80 and ordered to pay £200 in compensation. She must also pay £85 costs and a £114 victim surcharge.