A COMMUNITY group who take part in regular cold water dips in West Cumbria celebrated its first anniversary. 

The dip has been held weekly since September 2023 in St Bees focusing on cold water immersion and breathing techniques. 

Whitehaven town crier Marc Goodwin attended the anniversary event, he said: "Over 100 people turned up at St bees this week. Launched in 2023 by Dave Barnes from RX4, the dip has seen a new community of like-minded people grow.

"Each week the group takes to the water to feel the benefits that cold water and warm-hearted community bring.

"Today was a remarkable day on which the community held a 'surprise party' for Dave in thanks and recognition for what he has created.

"I did a special anniversary 'cry' to recognise the anniversary which happened to fall on the autumnal equinox."

Dave Barnes, owner of RX4 Lakes, said: "I'm an instructor in breathing techniques and cold-water immersion. 

"I knew how much it had changed my life and decided that I wanted to share my experiences with others. 

Dave Barnes listens to Marc Goodwin's cryDave Barnes listens to Marc Goodwin's cry (Image: Supplied)

"Those who attend get to hear about the benefits of cold-water immersion and breathing techniques, which are often very simple and help to calm your nervous system. 

"We talk about one thing each week which could involve anything at all to do with how your mindset works.

"One week the sun was shining and then it went in, so I explained how the sun can be like your mood at times. Sometimes you can't see the sun shining, but it's always there. 

"Sometimes I'll ask the participants what they are most excited about for the week ahead. 

"Once we've done calming breathing techniques to calm us down, we get in the water. Afterward, we often enjoy tea and coffee."

These types of techniques have been popularised by Wim Hoff who has appeared on television and social media promoting the benefits. 

More information about Dave Barnes and his company RX4 Lakes can be found on their website.