A CUMBRIAN police force have recorded 64 parking offences at a popular Lake District tourist spot in a single afternoon, observing some of the 'worst parking' officers have seen in the area.

Members of the Copeland police team handed out 64 'traffic offence reports' over the course of the afternoon on Saturday, September 21 alongside Wastwater, as the National Trust urge visitors to seek alternative methods of accessing the Lake District when car parks are full.

Concerns have been raised about the inability emergency vehicles would have to help people in the valley, when such poor parking is taking place.

In a statement on social media, Copeland police said: "Yesterday afternoon officers issued 64 Traffic Offence Reports to vehicles parked inappropriately alongside Wastwater.

"It was some of the worst parking the officers have seen in the area and it's a good job a fire engine or other large emergency vehicle didn't need to get down to Wasdale Head.

"By all means come and enjoy the valley, but please consider others when you park your car. This road is a clearway and there should be absolutely no parking on it, this includes in passing places and on both sides of the road!

"And before you say it, no, the money from the tickets doesn't pay for our Christmas party or contribute towards our wages in any way! We wish it did!."

The National Trust have asked visitors to the Lake District to 'park responsibly' when visiting the area and if unable to get a parking spot at the many beauty spots around the Lake District to seek alternative methods of transport within the area.

In a statement on social media, the National Trust said: "We are working with our partners, including Cumbria Police and Copeland Police to keep local communities and visitors safe while also looking after the landscape.

""Please remember to follow the The Countryside Code and park responsibly when heading to your favourite places.

Some car parks fill up fast so make sure you arrive early or better yet, leave the car behind and take one of the many buses to somewhere new."