PLANS have been put forward to convert vacant office space in Carlisle to 11 holiday lets.

The restoration and conversion proposal for the Grade II listed building at Victoria Place has been put forward to Cumberland Council by Townscape: Chartered Town Planning & Heritage Consultants Ltd on behalf of Mr Moualem.

Located at 9 to 17 Victoria Place, the Victorian building is currently vacant after being used as interlinked office spaces by an accountancy firm.

They have been altered internally and externally to allow full circulation between each property.

The listed building consent aims to restore the main sections of the houses into five single-family residences.

The rear extensions will be divided into separate six rentable flats and maisonettes.

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“This allows the owners to divert the cost of restoration of the main rooms and staircases onto the rentable values possible from the rear independent extensions," the design and access statement reads.

"The link corridors to the rear sections will therefore be closed off, allowing the rear sections to operate and function totally independent to the five front family houses."

The plans also include the restoration of the building's original features, which includes reinstating the windows facing Victoria Place and timber doorways reinstated to match the original doors.

The slate roofs will be re-leaded around chimneys with the gutters also being replaced and vegetation and weeds removed from the site.

It also proposes new railings to the front of the building.

Internally, spaces that have been subdivided will be reopened back to cornice lines with a missing staircase in number 13 to be reinstated to match those to either side.

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“The larger cased opening to front and back rooms, currently on the ground floor of No 13 will be repeated in 9,11,13 and 17 to deliver a kitchen living room to each house, with the secondary ground floor room of the rear extensions as a bathroom,” the design and access statement reads.

“On the first floors, the offices will be returned to bedrooms with the majority having recent dividing partitions removed”.

According to the heritage impact statement:  “Where changes are proposed, the changes will make a positive impact; they will provide architectural unity, safeguarding historic character and generally making an improvement to the site.

"In addition, the proposed works also improve the setting and experience of the buildings’ themselves.”