A DERELICT pub looks set to be demolished early under renewed plans to make way for the expansion of the neighbouring Spar store.

An application has been lodged with Cumberland Council to demolish The Griffin Inn on Main Street in Frizington.

Plans to build a petrol filling station, single-storey extension and create additional car parking on the site, were given the green light two years ago.

The developer, Richardson and Sons Limited, now want the pub to be demolished early due to its ‘poor condition’ and the ongoing maintenance cost of the building.

A number of amendments to the application have been put forward, which include a construction traffic management plan.

In the original application, the developer said the works would solve access issues at the site.

A Design and Access Statement reads: “There is some existing and informal customer car parking shared on the site. There are no marked bays but there are approximately 10 spaces.

“The nature of the parking arrangement means that cars park in an ad hoc arrangement and often block access for delivery vehicles that require access to the rear of the store.”

The developer also say the changes will make the site more manageable for deliveries.

The plans say: “The existing access point off Main Street will be widened to allow for an improved accessibility for HGV and other delivery vehicles.

“HGVs will be able to enter and leave the site in a forward gear and will have improved access to the rear of the store for deliveries.”

The original plans also say that the new petrol station is not expected to lead to an increase in traffic.

“The traffic that is likely to be generated by the proposal has been established and the majority will be traffic that is already travelling on the local road network or visiting the existing store on the site.”