A MOTION to allow the local authority of Cumberland to be a place of sanctuary for refugee's has been passed by Cumberland council.

When proposing the motion Cllr Helen Davison said that joining the City of Sanctuary network would allow the council to follow ‘best practice’ nationally.

She said that she hoped the motion would allow councillors in Cumberland to stand for hope and be examples to others in society.

The motion said: "This motion calls on Cumberland Council to join the Cities of Sanctuary UK network and work towards achieving the Local Authority Sanctuary Award."

It was seconded by deputy leader Councillor Lisa Brown.

As well as the joining the City of Sanctuary Local Authority Network, the motion also called for things such as a stronger response to hate crimes and mark the contribution of refugee and migrant communities through annual events like Refugee Week.

Adrienne Gill from Carlisle One World Centre who run the City of Sanctuary One World projects spoke ahead of the meeting.

She said: “It’s a brilliant motion it just says about Cumberland offering welcome and support to people seeking sanctuary.”

She was joined by a group of people held a peaceful demonstration outside of the council building with some councillors coming out to join them.

Prior to the motion going through the council a question was raised by Cynthia Waggah who moved to the city as a refugee.

Cynthia Waggah, Chair of City of Sanctuary moved to Carlisle from Kenya seeking sanctuary, speaking about asking a question at the meeting, she said: “It’s really relevant that I ask the question because I am the chairperson of City of Sanctuary in Carlisle and I have lived experience.

"I have gone through the whole process and the system so I really think it’s relevant I ask that question because they will see it from my own personal point and will be able to appreciate that we are also people.”