A Carlisle youth theatre company's summer production has won the most prestigious award given in amateur theatre.

StagedRight Youth Theatre has, over the past few years, been the winner of numerous awards for its productions including twice winning ‘Best Youth Musical’ in the northwest for Phantom of the Opera and Cats.

But, this weekend, it won the ultimate title of ‘Best Production in the UK’ for its production of Barnum.

The award was announced by the National Operatic and Dramatic Association’s President, Christine Hunter-Hughes, at the organisation's AGM in Plymouth.

Francis Laidlaw as P.T. BarnumFrancis Laidlaw as P.T. Barnum (Image: StagedRight) The President’s Cup is awarded to one society for anything that went above and beyond what is expected from a production and really impressed the President.

StagedRight’s win is all the more impressive as Christine visited almost 200 productions, across the length and breadth of the country before announcing Barnum as the winner.

“The President’s Cup this year is awarded to StagedRight Youth Theatre from Carlisle for their production of Barnum,” said Christine.

Finale from StagedRight's production of BarnumFinale from StagedRight's production of Barnum (Image: StagedRight) “A simply superb production with a cast of some 80+ young people, who all appeared to be ‘a triple threat’ in that they could all sing, dance and act, as well as some form of juggling or acrobatics.

“Added to the fact, the production was staged in a marquee with wonderful costumes, great band, amazing sound and an enormous and brilliant, fully jointed, made-in-house, elephant.

“Just a superb production all round."

StagedRight’s David and Sallie McNeill said: “This really is the icing on the cake for the Barnum team and the start of our 20th anniversary year.

StagedRight Youth Theatre Class of 2024 - 2025StagedRight Youth Theatre Class of 2024 - 2025 (Image: StagedRight) “We have wonderful students, and a great creative team backed by dedicated helpers in wardrobe and technical areas.

READ MORE: StagedRight production of Barnum described as 'absolute triumph'

“We must also thank parents for their ongoing support and the amazing sponsors we have, without whom our lavish productions simply couldn’t be staged to the high standards we aim for”.

StagedRight is currently rehearsing for their 20th Anniversary concert, which is to be presented in February at Rheged, Penrith followed by their summer production of Les Misérables, once again creatively staged at the Garden at Eden marquee, in July.