POLICE in Cumbria have issued a warning for people who may fall victim to criminals on dating websites.

Criminals are ‘experts at creating fake online dating profiles’, a Cumbria police spokesperson said.

These criminals will attempt to establish a relationship with the victim, gain their trust, and then talk about their need for urgent financial help, hoping you’ll ‘help’ them with the promise of being paid back.

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They added: “Take a moment to stop and think about whether the person is who they say they are.

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“Check in with family and friends for a second opinion and only share your information with someone you have met in person.

“If you believe you’ve been scammed, contact your bank immediately on a number you know to be correct such as the one on the back of your bank card.

“Make sure you also report it to Action Fraud or, if you’re in Scotland, report it to Police Scotland by calling 101.”