A DRINK-driver was stopped by police after he was seen driving ‘very slowly’ and attempting to navigate a mini-roundabout.

Robert Carter, 59, was driving a Toyota vehicle in Workington on the afternoon of April 24. He was ‘attempting’ to navigate the roundabout next to Kwik Fit.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting at Workington Magistrates’ Court, said Carter continued to drive the vehicle ‘very slowly’ and was pulled over by police. He appeared to be under the influence and ‘smelled strongly’ of intoxicants.

He was breathalysed and gave a reading of 72mcg of alcohol in 100ml of breath. The legal limit to drive is 35mcg.

Carter was arrested and taken to the police station. A blood sample was taken which showed he had 148mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood. The legal limit is 80mg.

John Cooper, defending, said: “There are no previous convictions. It’s a guilty plea.

“His personal circumstances are complicated. He used to run a company, Carter Sheds, that has gone under. He’s living where he made the sheds. He’s not entitled to benefits.

“He’s got some quite significant issues. He said, ‘I’ve got no car. I’ve got no reason to go on.’”

Carter, of Carter Sheds, Lillyhall Industrial Estate, Pitwood Road, Workington, pleaded guilty to driving a motor vehicle with alcohol level above the limit.

Magistrates imposed a 17-month driving ban, to be reduced by 17 weeks, if the defendant completes the drink-drivers’ rehabilitation course.

Carter was fined £120 and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £48 victim surcharge.