PLANS to turn a field in the Brampton area into a horse training area have been approved.

On Tuesday (October 8) Cumberland Council granted planning permission for the change of use of the site at Rowan Hill in Low Gelt Bridge and, in addition, the applicant can also build stables and a feed shed.

According to the decision notice, permission has been granted subject to a number of planning conditions.

A separate planning report states: "Horse keeping can be an appropriate use in the countryside provided that care is taken over the siting and location of facilities and that access to roads and bridleways is adequate."

Under current planning regulations, proposals relating to the development of stables and horse-riding arenas are allowed provided that:

  • there would be no unacceptable impact upon the landscape and character of the area;
  • the building or structure is sited where practical to integrate with existing buildings and/or take advantage of the contours of the land and any existing natural screening;
  • the proposal will not have a detrimental effect upon surrounding land uses;
  • the surrounding roads and bridleway are adequate and safe for the increased use by horse riders, with the roads being suitable for all users and;
  • the scale and intensity of use is appropriate for the site and character of the area.

The report adds: "The application seeks to erect four stables with an attached storage building in the field to the south of the existing dwelling house.

"The stables will be constructed from profiled metal sheeting and will be located behind an existing hedgerow which delineates the eastern boundary of the field with the proposed horse area positioned to the west of the stables."

According to the report the arena will measure 1,121 square metres and will have timber post and rail fencing and between the stables and arena a hard standing area is proposed to allow parking and turning for a horse trailer.

The report states: "The applicant has confirmed that the development will be for private use. The proposed development will be partially screened from public viewpoints by the mature hedgerow and trees which delineates the eastern boundary of the application site."

According to the report the proposed stables will be constructed from juniper green or similar profiled metal sheeting with timber boarded half stable doors.

It adds: "The scale of the development is appropriate to the context of the surrounding area with the materials appropriate for the sites rural setting.

"The development would be viewed in the context of the existing dwelling house as well as against the backdrop of existing field boundaries delineated by mature hedgerows.

"Accordingly, the proposal would not have a detrimental impact on the character of the area and the scale and design is acceptable."

The report states: "To conclude, the principle of the proposal is acceptable. The scale and design of the development is deemed appropriate to the site and would not have an adverse impact upon the landscape character of the area.

"The development will also not have a detrimental impact upon the living conditions of the occupiers of any neighbouring properties, highway safety, biodiversity or existing drainage conditions."