A bowling club is a step closer to becoming solar-powered.

Port Carlisle Bowling Club was awarded £5,000 by the Fells and Solway Community Panel towards solar panels and battery storage.

This investment will help the club's financial stability and allow it to form a 'Community Renewable Group' to 'promote solar energy use'.

The club was one of several beneficiaries of the panel's recent funding round.

Dalston Parish Council received £750 towards a 'permanent beacon', which will be lit for celebrations and commemorations, including the village's annual festival.

Cumbria Addictions Advice and Solutions was awarded £5,000 to train three staff in 'smoking and vaping cessation and prevention', and deliver workshops in this to school children.

Cumberland Council’s director of public health and communities, Colin Cox, said: "It’s great to see our panels invest in projects that will give a really good return in the years to come.

"Preventing young people smoking and vaping is something which will literally transform their current and future lives.

"Using and promoting renewable energy in our communities will eventually become the norm and I’m proud we can help organisations lead the way.

"And the cultural life of our close-knit communities is something to be cherished.

"I love the idea of Dalston’s beacon being part of the village’s collective memories for generations to come."

The Fells and Solway Community Panel covers the wards of Dalston and Burgh, Solway Coast, Thursby, Aspatria, and Wigton.

The application deadline for the next round of Community Panel support for the Fells and Solway area is 30 October, email fellsandsolway@cumberland.gov.uk for more information.