A SHOPLIFTER was caught by staff in two stores after she was seen putting items into a bag for life.

Lisa Halbert, 43, was confronted on two occasions after stealing goods which included clothes, alcohol, food and toys from shops in Workington.

Outlining the case, prosecutor Pamela Fee told Workington Magistrates’ Court the defendant had entered M&S in Workington on June 27 and placed women’s clothing worth £57 into a bag for life.

Halbert was seen doing this by a member of staff who told her to leave. She was already banned from the store.

The defendant then left the store without leaving the items. She was stopped outside and the clothes were retrieved from the bag.

Then on September 26, Halbert went to Morrisons Daily in Workington. She went round the shop, placing multiple items, including food, toys and alcohol, into a bag for life.

She then left the store, making no attempt to pay. She was confronted by a member of staff and the items were recovered.

Halbert, of Holden Road, Salterbeck, Workington, pleaded guilty to two charges of theft from a shop.

John Cooper, defending, said: “There’s a gap between the offences.

“She was identified by staff members and stopped before she even got out the store.

“It’s not very well planned or executed. It’s a guilty plea at the first opportunity.”

Halbert was given a 12-month community order with 23 rehabilitation activity requirement days. She was fined £80 and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £114 victim surcharge.