A JOBLESS gamekeeper who sexually assaulted a teenager as she stood waiting to be served at a city centre bar has been branded a “drunken idiot” by a judge.

Freddie Karam, 38, was standing behind the woman with a friend when he first began playing her hair, calling it “beautiful” before he then progressed to twice “thrusting” himself towards, Carlisle Crown Court heard.

He admitted a single count of sexual assault.

Prosecutor Gerard Rogerson said the 19-year-old victim was at the Botchergate bar with a friend when a rugby match was screened on the wall-mounted TV screens for customers.

She was waiting at the bar to have her drink topped up with lemonade when she noticed two men behind her, including the defendant.

During the assault, Karam was pushing his lower body against her, effectively pinning her to the bar for a short while and he laughed as he did this.

“The barman, clearly seeing [the woman’s] difficulty, mouthed the words: ‘Are you all right?’” said Mr Rogerson. “She said ‘No.’ Upset by the incident, she went over to the doorman in the pub and said the men needed to be kicked out.”

Karam and his friend were ejected but the victim told the doorman: “He’s messed with the wrong girl.”

She and her friends then followed the defendant along the street and took a photo of him as he went into a nearby shop.

That picture was later used to identify Karam, formerly of Heads Nook, but more recently living at Scaleby.

In a victim impact statement, the teenager said she no longer enjoyed going out and when she did she always makes sure she is accompanied.

She felt saddened and angered that such a thing could happen to her, adding that she could not understand why somebody would think such behaviour was acceptable or that they could get away with it.

Marion Weir, defending, said that after sobering up Karam realised how inappropriate his behaviour was.

Recently made redundant, he had seen his relationship break down and his life took a downward spiral. "He used drink as a crutch," said Miss Weir. “He was living in the back of his van.”

The defendant had now found fresh accommodation and set up his own business. Judge Nicholas Barker said Karam behaved like a “drunken idiot.”

He told the defendant: “You are 38 years old – exactly twice the age of the complainant.

He said: "She was 19 when she was in [the bar], enjoying a fun evening with her friends, watching the rugby and doing the things we would all like think young people are be free and able to do… and not being harassed by drunken idiots like you.”

Having seen the CCTV of what happened, the judge said he was not surprised the victim now feels anxious in public places.

While it is legally categorised as a “low level” sexual assault, the teenager had suffered an impact, and she was a victim. The judge imposed nine-month community order which includes 120 hours of unpaid work.

Karam must pay the teenager £1,000 compensation and £500 prosecution costs. The nature of the sentence means that Karam will not be on the Sex Offender Register.