Hundreds of thirsty punters came through the doors at the 31st Carlisle beer festival.

More than 40 beers from both local and national breweries were available to sample at the festival organised by the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) alongside 10 different ciders.

This year’s festival was hosted at the Station Hotel in the heart of the city centre with a huge range of different beers including a strawberry lager, imperial stouts, smoked beer, pale ales, bitters and blondes.

Some of the beers on offer at the festivalSome of the beers on offer at the festival (Image: Supplied) Organiser, Sandy Williamson said the event had been a ‘great success’.

“Everyone has really enjoyed the event, and it has gone really well,” said Sandy.

“We generally get about four to five hundred every festival on averages so hopefully we're up towards the higher end, but it's been nice and busy, and people have enjoyed the event.”

The event has been supported by a number of local pubs and businesses with local breweries – including Carlisle Brewing, Great Corby Brewhouse and West Walls Brewery also showcasing their beers.

Volunteers from across the region also gave up their time to ensure that the three-day festival ran smoothly.

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“We've had a lot of local community support, which is great because that's the kind of stuff we need for the festival to continue,” said Sandy.

“Local companies and even single people have sponsored casks, which is good and helps us out.

“It’s great that we get the number of volunteers we do.

“We've always got plenty of volunteers at the beer festival and they always come out of the woodwork to help us make it a success and we’re very grateful for what they do.”

Throughout the three-day festival, beer lovers have been voting for their ‘beer of the festival’ with the local CAMRA branch set to announce the winner in the coming weeks.