FOR this Nostalgia edition we wanted to take a look at Anti Bullying Week.

A week for learning about the causes of bullying, identifying bullying and encouraging people to speak up against bullying, both children and adults.

This year's theme is Choose Respect, this has come about following consultation with teachers and pupils by the Anti-Bullying Alliance which coordinates Anti-Bullying Week every year in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Teachers and children wanted a theme that empowered them to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes.

Anti-Bullying Alliance patron, CBBC and CBeebies star Andy Day will lead celebrity support for the campaign, with his band Andy and the Odd Socks.

Following the success of the campaign in 2023 – when 80% of schools marked the week, reaching over 7.5 million children and young people – this year, children and young people will be empowered to choose respect.