A Penrith charity has collected more than 500 pairs of discarded spectacles to send overseas.

Penrith Lions Club has gathered 531 pairs of unused or unwanted glasses throughout the year, donated by local residents.

The glasses will be repaired, graded, and checked by volunteers before being sent to developing countries for those in need.

The club aims to distribute as many functional pairs as possible before Christmas.

In many developing nations, access to healthcare is limited, leaving many with untreated vision impairments due to a lack of resources.

By repurposing these glasses, Penrith Lions Club is encouraging recycling whilst helping to meet the needs of under-served communities.

The club has been running the programme for many years, with collections already started for next year at Styleline Hairdressing, in Middlegate, Penrith.

For more information, you can follow Penrith Lions Club on Facebook.